Sunday, May 26, 2019

Lagrange Theorem

SAP proceedings and reports Customer-specific works and reports none Note It is execu shelve that the origin of some objects nookienot be identified clearly (either as SAP transactions and reports or customer-specific transactions and reports). In this case, the specified number of all transactions and reports is larger than the total of SAP and customer-specific transactions and reports. The possible deviation is due to the fact that only information for used objects is transferred. Objects in managed systems that exist there besides ar not used in the analyzed period are not transferred ND therefore have no designated origin.Information about customer objects that are not used is only displayed if you have selected the Get All Customer Objects option when you created the psychoanalysis. The next result shells are displayed for each of the three named groups Analyzed Not analyzed because, for example, there is no data for the client you specified when creating the analysis . Not analyzed in other(a) clients The analysis fails with specified client due to lacking data. Objects are used In other clients. You can base a new analysis with different clients, on this entry. Used.The objects are used in the analysis period and In the systems specified for the analysis. Not used (only affects customer-specific transactions and reports), If you have selected the Get All Customer Objects option when you created the analysis. Example Example You want to chicane how many transactions and reports were analyzed. The entry Is under All Transactions and Reports, Analyzed (Number). The transactions and reports of a result type, for example, the transactions and reports analyzed, are shown In a table. The following object properties are displayed Object name, for example, transaction name such as SEES.Object type, for example, T for transaction or R for report. Object description, for example, Data Browser for transaction SEES. Origin, for example, S for SAP display ed in the All Transactions and Reports overview Logical component, displayed for result type Analyzed, Not Analyzed or Not Analyzed in other Clients. SIDE, the system ID specified when creating the analysis displayed for result type Used. System installation number displayed for result type Not Used (customer objects). Threshold value, displayed for result type Analyzed, Not Analyzed or Not Analyzed in other Clients.Client specified when creating the analysis displayed for result type Used. Result, for example, the number of dialog steps in a transaction Object description language You can copy objects of result types Used and Not Used to the rule database. Activities To open a table of transactions and reports, for example, a table of all the analyzed transactions and reports, contact on the result type, for example on Analyzed. To copy an object to the rule database, click the result type, for example, Used to open the object table, highlight the object, and choose Add to Rule Da tabase. Note NoteWhen copying the object to the rule database, you get a pass informing you that a check step has been created or that the object is already in the rule database. To restrict the results to a specific system, open the input help for System and select a system. By default, the results refer to all systems you specified when creating the analysis. Note Note You can restrict the results by combining systems and time periods. You can choose another results overview tab Graphical Overview Results in Analysis Structure Details of Analysis Error Statistics More Information Analysis Results Analysis bulge out Analyses Analysis Projects

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